Check out our playlists!
Music means a lot to our teams. It inspires, it soothes, it energizes. Check out our playlists* from members of the family who founded the company, along with a playlist from one of our rockstar managers who travels the province teaching people about hearing loss, one from our contest partner Signia and finally one from all of us here at Hear Well Be Well.

Or search “Hear Well Be Well” on Spotify

Songs of Summer
The 1960s and 70s were a wealth of folk and country music that has passed the test of time. Canadian singer/songwriters were in their heyday. Hear Well Be Well appreciates the sounds of mid-20th-century music. It brings back so many memories!

Signia Summer Playlist
Signia Canada is part of a worldwide manufacturer of hearing aids leading the industry for now and the future. Their playlist reflects their appreciation of the past and their engagement with the present and future.

John Tiede | The Hits
John Tiede, Co-CEO with his wife Kathleen, has been a hearing instrument specialist and a company leader for 40 years. The music of the 1970s and 80s was a big influence on him. Happy and heartfelt songs have been a big part of his life. He’s inspired by ballads – and rock and roll.

Kathleen’s Summer Jams
Kathleen Tiede, Co-CEO with her husband John, gets motivated by the music of the 1980s. It helps her get up and get moving. She first started really moving to music of the 80s during aerobics classes and now uses these tunes to keep going while running

Elliot Tiede Mix
Elliot Tiede, son of Co-CEO John Tiede and a hearing instrument specialist in his own right, likes music that resonates with him. His playlist is all music he feels personally because of who he is or it reminds him of people he’s met in his life. His music mirrors both joy and pain.

Nancy’s Picks
Nancy’s a pretty famous face in the regions where we have offices because she’s been out spreading the word about the importance of treating hearing loss for a few years now. Everyone loves her energy and sparkle. Her playlist is an eclectic mix with a range on it anyone would be dazzled by.
*Paid subscription to Spotify is not required to listen to the playlists.

Grand Prize
One (1) Grand Prize of a set of Signia Active Pro Earbuds plus hearing test and aftercare, retail value approximately $8,000

Second Prize
One (1) Second Prize of a wine tour for two in Essex County with Unconquered Customs e-bikes, retail value $450

Third Prize
One (1) Third Prize of a set of SkullCandy earbuds, retail value $150
Who can enter?
- Must be 19 years of age.
- Must be a resident of Ontario and able to attend one of our locations to receive prize.
- Must read and agree to the contest rules.
How to enter
- Read the contest rules.
- Complete the entry form. Any incomplete entry forms will be disqualified.
- One website entry form per person. Further entries can be accepted through social media (see below).
- For a second ballot, share on Facebook or Instagram and add #hearwellbewell and tag us @HearWellBeWell on your post, reel or story.
Entry Form
This contest is now closed. Visit the general contest page to see what’s coming up